Human nature is such
That if you sit, they'll say, 'No, don't sit.'
If you stand, 'What's the matter? Walk!
And if you walk, 'Shame on you, sit down.!
If you so much as lie down, they'll order, 'Get up.'
If you don't lie down, no respite, ' Lie down.'
I'm wasting my days getting up and sitting down.
If I'm dying right now, they speak up, 'Live.'
If they see me living, who knows when
they'll say, 'Shame on you. Die!'
In fear, I secretly go on living.
Taslima Nasrin
1/250ƒ/5.6ISO 20055 mm |
Its new short film made by me and ma friend Dennis, and with the help of my other friends,
for a competition in
hope u like this... if u like it
Moon Vs Sun
The sky-line melts from russet into blue,
Unbroken the horizon, saving where
A wreath of smoke curls up the far, thin air,
And points the distant lodges of the Sioux.
Etched where the lands and cloudlands touch and die
solitary Indian tepee stands,
The only habitation of these lands,
That roll their magnitude from sky to sky.
1/15ƒ/6.3ISO 80026 mm |
Like A Flower In The Rain
"You want an apple?" I asked.
"sure, she said, "you got one?"
but I got to her-
she began to twist
then she rolled on her side,
she was getting wet and open
like a flower in the rain.
then she rolled on her stomach
and her most beautiful ass
looked up at me
and I reached under and got the
cunt again. :)
Charles Bukowski
1/6ƒ/5.6ISO 20055 mm |
why Humypty Dumpty Hates Xmas ?
Very very short film made With my Nikon D5000 & free Mcdee Happy meal toy ;0
Hope u like it :)
Y dont you write something in the comment box before you leaving :)